Demystifying Passkeys

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Virtual Event Virtual Event
Jun 25

Demystifying Passkeys

June 25 @ 11:30 am - 12:45 pm EDT

Virtual Event Virtual Event
cyber security, hacker, security, internet, protection, secure, padlock, firewall, protect, password, safety, lock, technology, computer, network, access, privacy, gray computer, gray technology, gray laptop, gray network, gray internet, gray security, gray safety, cybersecurity, cyber security, cyber security, cybersecurity, cybersecurity, cybersecurity, cybersecurity, cybersecurity

“Passwords are fundamentally flawed. All attempted workarounds have failed. Passkeys are secure by design.” Security Expert Bart Busschots will explain the problem with Passwords and how Public Key Cryptography+Key Management: “Passkeys” are a much better solution.

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June 25
11:30 am - 12:45 pm EDT
Event Category:


Bart Busschots

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