Cyber Threats! What are the latest and many cyber-security risks against your personal and online security? Are you vulnerable?
NMUG welcomes back good friend and a very special guest presenter, cyber expert Carrie Kerskie! Her meeting was jam-packed with useful info.
Carrie explained how identity theft is everywhere these days – you can buy someone’s personal info online for just 25 cents! She covered different types beyond financial ID theft, like medical, criminal, and synthetic identity theft. She shared tips to help prevent ID theft, like putting a credit freeze on your accounts and using strong passwords, and she stressed being aware of the latest scams and validating anything that seems suspicious. Carrie also warned about new tricks like fake Facebook account emails and phone scams to get people to download remote access software.
Throughout the session, Carrie answered audience questions and offered tailored advice. She provided her contact info for anyone seeking more resources. The meeting gave a comprehensive overview of current ID theft risks and how to safeguard your personal information.
President of Kerskie Group, Carrie provides identity fraud and cyber threat risk management services to executives and private clients. Carrie has been featured in publications such as Consumer Reports,, and MarketWatch. She appears regularly on NBC, ABC, and FOX.
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