Batch compress individual files to separate archives instead of a single archive

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Batch compress individual files to separate archives instead of a single archive

Home Message Board NMUG Genius Bar Board Batch compress individual files to separate archives instead of a single archive

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  • Peter Emery

      If you want to compress a file on a Mac, control or right click on it and select “Compress” from the contextual menu list. If you try this with multiple items, the end result is a single combined archive. There is a way to created a separate archive for each item, though. It involves the use of the standard Mac app that’s used to handle compression and decompression of files, Archive Utility.

      The trick is getting to that app, it’s not in the Applications folder, the Utilities folder, the user Library or the main Library. It’s found in the System Library. Open the Finder and navigate to System–>Library–>CoreServices–>Applications. This is where Archive Utility resides. Open the app then control/right click on its dock icon to reveal “options” and choose Keep In Dock. Or hold down the Command ⌘ key and drag the app onto the Finder window’s toolbar then release it. The app is now available for future use in either the dock or the Finder toolbar. While the app is open, go to Settings and change the compression format if so desired.

      To batch compress individual files into individual archives, select them in the Finder then drag and drop them onto the toolbar or dock icon. Each file will then be compressed individually and saved to whichever location you have specified in the app’s settings.

      • This discussion was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by  Peter Emery.
      • easily open programs like archive utility using Siri without having to find them. “Siri open archive utility.

          • Not very effective when the HomePod asks which (Apple) TV. And I’ve no plans to deny the HomePod access to spoken Siri commands/requests.

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