unwanted pop ups

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unwanted pop ups

Home Message Board NMUG Genius Bar Board unwanted pop ups

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  • Martin Gould

      Good morning,

      This is my first post. I am getting an unwanted pop-up on the top right of my M1 iMac screen( macOS 15.2), telling me that, ‘your macOS / iCloud has been infected’. They go quickly so it is difficult to get a screen shot, but I grabbed an image using my phone. I haven’t clicked on the ‘show’ button & followed the link; I assume that this is some form of malware, which persists despite several in-depth virus scans (ESET Cyber Security). Aha, it has just popped up again.

      Can anybody kindly advise about how to get rid of it?

        • Congratulations on your first post!

          What you are seeing is called a Notification. (The term Pop-Up refers to something else and solutions for Pop-ups will not fix this problem.)

          Apparently you visited the website ‘updates-macos.com’, which is probably a scam website (https://malwaretips.com/blogs/update-macos-com/ ).

          Here’s how to get stop Notifications from this site:

          1. On your Mac, launch the Safari application and in the menu bar click on: Safari → Settings → Websites.
          2. In the left-hand panel, scroll down to “Notifications” and click on it to display your Notification settings for websites.
          3. In the right-hand panel, scroll down to ‘updates-macos.com’, click on it to select its Notification settings, and click ‘Deny’.

          Source: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255456195

          • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by  Nello Lucchesi. Reason: Edited for clarity
          Thumbs Up
          • ptr203115me-com
          • Many thanks Peter & Nello.

            I have now denied access to & deleted ‘updates-macos.com’.Which should solve this annoying problem.

            Much appreciated.


            Thumbs Up
            • nlucchesi
              • Glad that you were successful in fixing this problem and thank you for posting your before- and after- screenshots.

                Keep in mind that since you deleted the Notifications setting for ‘updates-macos.com’, the next time you visit this website (intentionally or otherwise) you will probably be asked again whether you want to receive push notifications. Remember to respond with ‘Deny’ to prevent future Notifications.

                Thumbs Up
                • memberadvocate
                • martingould
                  • Thanks again Nello,

                    Lesson learnt.


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