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Have you tried this?
If you can’t move or delete items on your MacBook Pro desktop, you can try these steps:
<ul jscontroller=”M2ABbc” jsaction=”jZtoLb:SaHfyb” data-hveid=”CBMQAQ” data-ved=”2ahUKEwi01ui-jaWJAxVLVTABHcrVKToQm_YKegQIExAB”>
Check permissions
The item’s permissions settings might need to be changed. You can do this by selecting the item, then choosing File > Get Info or pressing Command-I. Click next to Sharing & Permissions to expand the section. You can change the permissions to Read & Write or Read only. You might also need to change the permissions for the location where you want to put the item.
Check for a Relocated Items folder
If you upgraded macOS and some of your files couldn’t be moved to their new locations, they might be in a Relocated Items folder. You can find this folder in the Shared folder within the Users folder.
**Click **
Continue** to move a locked item** If an item is locked, you can click Continue to confirm you want to move it to the Trash.
If you can’t change the permissions, you can contact an administrator of your Mac or the owner of the file or folder.